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DIBRUGARH: One day seminar on ‘Trends in Higher Education in the context of NEP 2020 in Assam’ held today at the Srimanta Sankardeva Sabhakakhya of DSHK College.

The programme was organised by Girijananda Choudhury University, Azara, Guwahati in collaboration with DHSK College, Dibrugarh.

Speaking on the occasion as the keynote speaker Prof. Alak Kr. Buragohain, former Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University and Chancellor, Girijananda Chouhury University, Azara, Guwahati said that NEP 2020 had given us the opportunity to look back at the traditional knowledge system and the opportunity in liberating the minds in a democratic country.

He further emphasised that life with values and purpose; and livelihood are the purpose of education, which would be possible through multidisciplinary, innovative, ethical and flexible education system in NEP 2020.

Before the speech Dinalisha Bora, assistant professor, department of Botany introduced Prof Alak. Kr. Buragohain. At the beginning Dr. Anup Jyoti Bharali, Coordinator, IQAC stated the objectives of the seminar. Dr. Pranjal Kumar Phukan, Chief Manager, BCPL, Dibrugarh inaugurated the session by lighting the lamp.

After a brief introduction to Dr. Pranjal Kr. Phukan by Dr. Pallavi Gogoi, Librarian, DHSK college, Dr. Phukan deliverd his speech in which he emphasised on institutions being autonomous to survive during NEP 2020 and asked the students to go for technology based education.

Earlier Dr. Sashikanta Saikia , Principal ,DHSK College welcomed the partcipants and guests and in his speech Dr Saikia said that collaborative effort of group of institutions would be able to bring success to the colleges during NEP 2020.

Dr. Lulu M. Borgohain, assistant professor, Department of English compered the complete session. Prof. Gopal, Ch. Hazarika, Prof. (Retd.), department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University was the resource person of the session and delivered his lecture on Implementation of NEP 2020. Dr. Henrieta huda, Asst.

Professor, department of English introduced prof Hazarika to the participants. Prof. Hazarika enlightened the participants with various issues related to levels of education, system of education, multidisciplinary and holistic approach related to NEP 2020 along with the responsibilities of teachers and institutions to prepare themselves for implementation of NEP 2020.

Dr. Kankan Kishore Pathak ,assistant professor, Mechanical Engineering department and Ranadeep Borgohain, assistant professor , Pharmaceutical Chemistry, department of Pharmacy; both from the Girijananda Choudhury University shared their thoughts and interacted with the participants.

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